If you like reading this article, sure you are a fans of me! LOL
This is not a narcism, it is a personal confession
We’ve already talked about few things and now i think i have to told u a little more about me, more personal,
so we can get a little closer 🙂
When talks about family.Family for me is a first priority. My family shared times together too much just to sharing laughter, that is the best thing from my family.They never too hard on me, in contrary they always full support to each other.
Some people taught that i am a totally nerd, having a great academic career, they taught that i was born just like that. If you think like that too, you could be more wrong! Sometimes i have to read a book that i couldnt understand even for one word, so i have to like read that book over and over again. Damn its hard to do!
People taught that im a picky person when it comes to love. I have to admit it, im kinda person that found it so hard to really falling for someone. And i really have no idea about that. The one and only rules is the one i dating dont have to be an outstanding person but he has to be smart for sure!
When it comes to closer friends. I can talk, laugh with anyone, but when it comes to personal life, i only talked with my close people. Sometimes its confusing when you feel that this person is your destiny, your best partner, best friend but the next day they just gone. I think that is the most important thing in life that youve learned, that you couldnt make people stay when they dont want to, and people who stayed by your side no matter what is a person that God gave you to be your fate. Right now i have only like two or three close friends that really know me and im so grateful for that.
So i think thats all i wanted to say, thanks again for reading my blog, have a wonderful day everyone!
same as me, i like smart boy tooo hohoho ^^ kalo nyari cowok ya harus dipilih2 atuh masa sembarang ambil wewww nanti kalo pas nutup mata asal nunjuk dptnya nyet2 gmn :P~ hohoho tp ya jangan tralu picky aja, asal km bahagia dan conya tuh bs diandalin buat masa depan jg, jgn asal cinta cinta doank huahahaha.. jd dibalik cinta ada logika gmn tuh jdnya ^^!
kurasa untuk dapetin temen yang km bs share everything and she/he care about u itu gampang2 susah si non, kadang2 ngerasa dia temen yg bae rupanya nusuk dr blakang ato mungkin gara2 perkembangan kt, rasanya ko da ga cocok lg ma dia gt.. dan menurutku hal yang wajar.. ^^
soal blajar hmm liat bukunya meita aja kalo da ada stabilo2 artinya dia da baca :P~
setelah baca ko aku tetep ga jd fansnya meita si hahahaha boong ni meita jelek ktnya bs jd fans :P~
ahhh kmu kan fans aku nekkk <— MAKSA hahaa
hehhhh matanya muter2….
hmm in ur wildest dream babe ^^ hahaha kabur ahhh